Visage Communications

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Email: Office

Location: Office

Visage Communications d.o.o. -Kako do Sedišta komanije

Conditions of use and privacy policy

Using our site you agree to all conditions that are listed here and presented.

Privacy policy:

Visage d.o.o. advocates  preservation of privacy of the collecting, use and protection of information and data of our registered users. User can access to all content on this site and its use is subject to the provisions of all applied laws and regulations.

Visage d.o.o.can exchange data only within a company that has been collected by the registered user in order to process and notification procedures relating to the functioning of the site only.

Visage d.o.o. will eventually be forced to forward personal information to valid judicial authorities, by  court investigators as required by law. Also, our company reserves the right to report the investigating authorities for activities that are deemed illegal.

Personal data of registered users  can be transfered  in  case of  corporate sales, dissolution, or integration.